Killing floor 2 best support perks
Killing floor 2 best support perks

The Slasher is a short and stubby zed that is considered a weak enemy. The Slasher is a common zed in Killing Floor 2’s roster of murderous creatures. All weapons except microwave weapons are effective.This zed differs from the Cyst ever so slightly, but here is how to handle them. The Alpha Clot is taller and better-looking zed deemed a lesser enemy but can deal some major damage in large groups of hordes. The Alpha Clot is a common specimen in Killing Floor 2’s world of carnage. All weapons except microwaves weapons are effective.This zed is known for spawning in unexpected places, such as roofs, ventilation systems, and even manholes but here is how to handle them. They are considered weak when alone, but when in a large group they can be overpowering. The Cyst is one of the most common enemies in Killing Floor 2. In the following lineup, these zeds and bosses will be exposed to allow you to kill effectively and demolish them in your path. It’s hard to know which method works the best against various zeds and bosses in this gauntlet of hell, so to clear up the confusion get ready to be introduced to a sure victory.

killing floor 2 best support perks

There are many zeds that are hard to deal with and this guide is designed to help exact the right amount of damage and strategic tactics.

Killing floor 2 best support perks