Civilization 4 leader traits
Civilization 4 leader traits

In recent years a secretive arm of their faith has taken control of their government, and its Shadow Network now spans the galaxy. The Krynn are a coalition of species deeply united by a shared religion. Firm believers in the power of free markets, they specialize in economic and cultural growth. The Iridium are an ultra capitalistic civilization, ruled by a number of multi-planet corporations. Years on the run has made them resourceful but hard, and formed a schism with the rest of humanity which might take some time to heal.

civilization 4 leader traits

The Terran Resistance are the portion of humanity that wasn't trapped on Earth behind the Precursor Shield. For unknown reasons, they are very similar in appearance to the Terrans. Exceedingly clever and vicious, there are few beings capable of meeting a Drengin and not becoming its next meal.Īltarians are a deeply religious species that are kind in their interaction with others, although a bit self-righteous. The Drengin are a profoundly evil and warlike civilization.

civilization 4 leader traits

Although committed diplomats, Terrans have a militaristic streak that has taken many by surprise. Terrans are the inventors of the hyperdrive engine and one of the youngest species on the galactic stage.

Civilization 4 leader traits